Thank you for taking the time to visit. I hope we'll soon become good friends because that's what I love to write about -- friends, family, and faith.
I write contemporary novels about issues that cause women pain -- from infertility to infidelity to extreme loss. Then like the labor of childbirth, I push through the pain to the point of deliverance. In the process, I do all I can to induce laughter.
I hope you get lost between the pages of my books then come away glad for the time we've spent together. I know just how precious your time is. I'm honored that you would spend some of it with me.
Judge, 27th Annual Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards:
I recently received this critique on Annie Walker from Writer's Digest. I received 5 out of 5 in all six categories, including structure, pacing, plot and story appeal. Quoting the Judge:
"Annie Walker is a well-written story by a skilled novelist... Anyone who enjoys a deep, satisfying novel will want to read Annie Walker... This story will linger with readers long after the last page is turned."
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Souza is a master at creating characters with a strong heartbeat and stories that won't let go.
Patti Hill,
Author of
The San Clemente Beach Shop and Telephony
You know an author has hooked you when you find yourself thinking about her characters in the middle of your day as if they were old friends.
Jennifer Valent,
Author of
Catching Moondrops
Sharon K. Souza writes stories about devastating loss and astonishing hope with the steady voice of one who knows the territory of both.
Katy Popa,
Author of
The Feast of Saint Bertie